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John left for fishing this morning at 6:45 and I opted out, as it was 53 degrees, threatening to rain, and virtually no visibility with the fog. Not this girl’s favorite fishing weather. Soon he was back with a nice Chinook and a Black Rockfish (different species than Black Cod/Sablefish) so of course I have regrets I didn’t just suck it up and go! We’ve heard from two people now that Black Rockfish are really delicious so we are going to eat it for dinner tonight. He is now back out fishing again, perfecting some new way to attach herring so it rolls just right to attract the King Salmon. I rallied later in the day and checked the crab pots (1 keeper), then went fishing with John for the afternoon bite. The afternoon was beautiful, sun came out, but not the fish unfortunately. Pot yielded 1 rogue crab as clearly this spot wasn’t quite right, although I had caught crab there prior years so that’s all I have to go on! This evening I prepped the black rockfish with a tempura type batter, made some homemade tartar sauce, and boy that is some good fish. The batter wasn’t super exciting (new recipe) but the fish was super flavorful, so next time no coating. To be honest I am writing this recount of our day three days later so my memory fades as the days run together. Doesn’t make for exciting reading so my apologies!

Beautiful Mount Waddington soaring over the Broughtons

Caught this funny looking little bullhead type fish in my pot! That and a starfish, along with the one crab!

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