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Raining incessantly today. J got up early and went fishing but caught nothing but endless bottom fish that he had to throw back. Apparently there were just schools of them, some sort of perch looking things – sea bass? Not sure. But he WAS fishing with the whales again -- the orcas suddenly exploded all around him as he trolled (which scares the salmon away), and two humpbacks feeding along the shoreline causing J to move out of their way so as not to get an unpleasant encounter (in case they didn’t see him). He says he’s done fishing in this spot. I spent the day reading my book, currently rereading (read it 4 years ago on our last trip to AK) “Tip of the Iceberg” by Mark Adams where he retraces the Harriman expedition to Alaska and Siberia in the late 1800s. The book is packed full of history and present day stories and delivered in a most entertaining way.  I highly recommend for anyone, whether you’ve been to Alaska or not. I was pretty much a slug all day as it just poured nonstop. Our entertainment for the day was wondering whether the log jam nestled against our boat was going to last, and then playing Yahtzee, cribbage, and we rewatched Star is Born for the 15th time, one of only two movies downloaded on my iPad. We have a whole stack of other movies but agreeing on one is not our strongest marital strength. The wind did finally arrive today and we were swinging and rocking much of the day. (Happy Birthday Dad, he would have been 111 today.)

Whales John saw while fishing

The log jam against our boat

More whale photos from today

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